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contoh kalimat be firm

"be firm" terjemahan bahasa Indonesia  
  • It was firm, it was adamant, it was resolved.
    Itu kuat, itu sangat keras, itu terjawab.
  • We must be firm, watch her and punish her.
    Kita harus tegas, mengawasinya dan menghukumnya.
  • It was "iron" - it was firm, it was mineral
    Itu adalah "baja" - Itu kuat, itu mineral
  • You know I like my butt to be firm, feel me?
    Aku ingin pantatku menjadi kuat, kau paham?
  • You got to be firm on this.
    Kau harus tegas dalam hal ini.
  • Sometimes one simply has to be firm.
    Kadang orang hanya perlu bersikap tegas.
  • You must be firm with inferiors, but gentle with them.
    Anda harus bersikap tegas dengan bawahan, tapi lembut dengan mereka.
  • Your stance must be firm
    Cara berdiri mu harus kuat.
  • The Hutu must be firm and vigilant against their common Tutsi enemy.
    Orang Hutu harus tegas dan waspada terhadap musuh Tutsi mereka.
  • Hey, boys, be firm!
    Hei, anak laki-laki, harus kuat!
  • 2. The installation base should be firm and level.
    2. Basis instalasi harus tegas dan rata.
  • 2. The installation base should be firm and level.
    2. Dasar instalasi harus tegas dan sejajar.
  • ? Be firm and durable and anti- rotten.
    ? Tegas dan tahan lama dan anti busuk.
  • Don't worry, I was firm about the moped but she always drives Manuela's.
    Jangan khawatir, Aku tegas tentang motor Tapi dia selalu bersama Manuela.
  • Be firm with her.
    Bersikaplah tegas dengan dia.
  • You kept looking at my butt and said that it was firm and whatnot!
    Kau terus menatap pantatku dan mengatakan pantatku keras dan kecil!
  • Now is the time to be firm, to show them that you are in control.
    Sekarang waktunya bersikap tegas, untuk menunjukkan kepada mereka bahwa kau yang berkuasa.
  • I do actually like Vernon, you've just got to be firm with him, you know.
    Aku benar-benar seperti Vernon, Anda hanya harus bersikap tegas dengan dia, Anda tahu.
  • Below the temperature of Glass Transition (Tg), King Koil Embrace? tends to be firm and hard.
    Dibawah temperature Glass Transition (Tg), King Koil Embrace? bersifat beku dan keras.
  • · The ground for installation of variable frequency pump must be firm without sinking or cracking.
    · Tanah untuk instalasi pompa frekuensi variabel harus tegas tanpa tenggelam atau retak.
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